Welcome to Ventura County FCA

 To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

One of the most powerful ministries ...

"FCA was one of the most powerful ministries I have ever seen on any school campus. From providing young men and women an opportunity to lead, share the gospel, and grow in their faith, there is no resource out there doing more for young students and athletes on campuses today."
Chad Davidson
Former Simi Valley HS Wrestling Coach

A strong sense of direction ...

"FCA has allowed me to set goals for myself and my relationship with God that I never saw possible. Without FCA I wouldn't have my strong sense of direction. Being president of VHS's FCA gives me no excuses to stay on the right path and represent myself and God with respect on and off the mat."
Luc LeVasseur
Ventura High School, Wrestling

Values established by FCA ...

"Our team values have always been built on the values established by FCA. We discuss the fourth value, excellence, at the beginning of every team meeting."
Scott Mangers
Moorpark HS Track Coach

FCA has shaped me ...

"FCA has shaped me into the person I am. It has been a huge reminder of what it's like to walk with the Lord. It's also been an amazing outlet for my friends and me, and I believe it has kept me even more connected to God."
Grant Lawler
Ventura High School, Basketball and Track

FCA introduced me to ...

"FCA introduced me to how sweet and fulfilling a God-centered life can be by surrounding me with a community of people passionate about serving others, encouraging intentionality and integrity, and spreading the light of the gospel with peers and teammates. I will forever be grateful for FCA in my life!”
Jenny Krystowiak
Moorpark High School Class of 2018

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