FAQs: Leader Training Summit

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Leader Training Summit

  • How will my student get to and home from camp?

    Students are responsible to get themselves TO and FROM camp - either via driving themselves, being dropped off by a parent, or carpooling.

    If none of these seem like an option, we are happy to help coordinate a ride. You can email Tim Sherreitt @ tsherreitt@fca.org.

  • What time is drop-off and pick-up?

    Student drop off is 4:00-5:00pm on Friday, August 8.

    Pick up will be at 11:30am on Sunday, August 10.

  • What is the address of the Forest Home, Ojai?

    655 Burnham Rd, Oak View, CA 93022

  • What does my student need to bring?

    - Bible, Notebook & Pen

    - Sleeping Bag & Pillow

    - Clothes (play, warm, activity shoes)

    - Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, bath towel)

    - Swimsuit, sunglasses & towel

    - Sunscreen & medications

  • Will an adult be in the tent with the students?

    FCA does not allow adults to sleep in the same space as the students. That said the adult leaders will be close by and very involved with all that takes place.

  • Will I be able to call/text my student over the weekend?

    Because we want the weekend to be as enriching as possible, we will be limiting the amount of phone time students are allowed. They will have them at night and at pockets during the day, but if you're acustom to texting your student every hour, you'll probably have a delay in response time.

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